Energy Solutions:
Whether you manage facilities and energy expenses, develop and manage energy programs for your customers, or regulate utilities and suppliers, Utility Advantage has the experience, technical knowledge and market savvy to help you succeed in a complex and evolving energy market. The Utility Advantage approach establishes clear goals and Incorporates an integrated approach to both demand side and supply side strategies with proven technology and data solutions to ensure that you can measure and verify program results. Our consutling services cover a broad range of energy industry services including:
Utility Expense management:
[ ] Energy intelligence - Data Solutions and Bill Management
[ ] Benchmarking
[ ] Demand Management & Demand Response
[ ] Renewable Energy & Storage
[ ] Energy Efficiency & Retro-commissioning
[ ] Integrated Electricity and Natural Gas Supply and Demand Management
[ ] Energy Budget Planning and Forecasting
We provide expertise in:
[ ] Government Energy Aggregation
[ ] Sustainability & Energy Master Planning
[ ] Onsite Generation
[ ] Alternate Fuel Vehicles
[ ] New Program Design, Marketing & Implementation for C&I and Residential
[ ] Advanced Data Analytics
[ ] New Energy Technology & Innovation
[ ] Diversity & Inclusion Programs
[ ] Education & Training